"Auctioning Juvenile Potions"

Ainsley was pretty interested in the baby dragon egg, but the appraiser shook his head. 

"The egg is a defect. There won't be any baby dragon coming out of it...it is a dead egg that the dragons throw away because it has no value anymore." 

"Ah, I see...hwummm, so we choose other items, huh…" Ainsley recalled all the items that the guest offered in exchange for the soul-healing potion. 

Neutraliser energy crystal that could neutralise everyone's ability users in 10 meters range, or beast repellent that could even chase away a sacred beast…

The first item could only be used once. The second item was also the same. Both were one-time-use items! 

But Ainsley liked both items. After carefully thinking about it, in the end, she accepted the neutraliser energy crystal. 

The first bottle was sold, and the second bottle was auctioned. Surprisingly, no one offered an excellent item for Ainsley aside from the super beast repellent.