"Array Ability Users"

Ainsley had her time admiring while also fearing the beautiful giant. The Godzilla looked so similar to the Godzilla she knew in movies or comics in her past life. Only the eyes were green…

And the Godzilla had an earth attribute, suitable to be a defensive monster. Each of her children was also a monster with an earth attribute. 

They were young, but they were already on par with a middle-ranked monster, about to ascend to a high-ranked monster. 

They're stronger than Momma raptors! 

Thus, Ainsley thought that each of the children could be sent to guard the other mansions she had. 

The Sloan Family would expand their family branches, build many mansions and territories…

The Godzilla babies could be the protector. 

Thinking like that, Ainsley approached Benjamin and tugged his sleeve while still hugging Cellino. 

"Gwandpa, awe you sure this monstel can be twaded with the juvenile potion? This monstel is too good…"