"Xocolet Lake In Crimson Lily Region"

For a week straight, Ainsley didn't leave the mansion and took her rest properly. 

In addition, she discussed with Zev, Cellino, and the Godfather about which territories they should snatch. 

[Aside from xxroid valley, there's a little lake inside the Crimson Lily region. The lake is called Xocolet Lake.] 

[Xocolet Lake?] Ainsley tilted her head. [What a weird name...what is so good about it?] 

[Well, the lake has magical water that can stimulate children to awaken their hidden special abilities.] 

Zev pointed at the lake surrounded by dangerous flora inside Crimson Lily Region that rarely had human occupants. 

[This lake is ownerless, and not many families tried to occupy it. The government also leaves the lake alone…] 

[But why is that so? If the lake can stimulate children's potential to be Ability Users, many forces will rush to occupy this Xocolet Lake, right?]