"Blood Chibis"

[Godfather, by clones you mean creating clones from blood? Using blood manipulation ability– ] 

Before Ainsley could finish her words, the Godfather already cut off her words. 

[It's faster if this lord shows you how. Would you please activate your shaman energy? This will take less than 10 minutes.] 

Ainsley was taken aback by the Godfather's words, and was still confused with the whole situation, but since time was pressing, she ended up obeying him. 


Ainsley activated her shaman energy, and in no time, the Godfather smoothly took over the control of her body. 

Her purple hair slowly turned greenish, and her pupils turned golden. 

Such a change was noticeable even for the people around Ainsley. Becca, Elliana, and the troops couldn't help but gulp. 

Ah, is this the shaman ability? Our family head is possessed by the Godfather spirit, right?