"Sit Still and Watch"

Before invading the last area, the Godfather went out of Ainsley's body to let the baby rest without getting influenced by his overwhelming abilities. 

Ainsley got 5 minutes rest to replenish her energy and adjusted herself not to get another identity crisis syndrome. 

After she calmed down, the baby looked up at the Godfather and nodded. 

[I'll activate my shaman ability again. You can possess me now, Godfather.] 

[Hum. This time, it will be a bit more intense than before. Make sure you control this lord's blinking rate, breathing pace, and other small things that you can control, okay?] 

If Ainsley didn't do so after the possession ended, she might get another identity crisis. After all, the Godfather said that the battle would be intense...it would be hard to use only a tenth of his capability. 

[Got it, Lil Lass?]