"Martin's Agony"

When Ainsley made an appearance, the members surprisingly started to shut their mouths and eagerly looked at the stage. 

The previously noisy backfield slowly became quiet, and Martin, the one hiding among 2000 members couldn't hide his confusion and awe. 

'Just her presence alone is enough to manage these people? I've never heard of such an influential boss…' 

Even those family heads of the 7 great or 7 sacred families couldn't immediately make their people shut up by just showing their faces. 

They had to speak a few words first for the members to pay attention to them seriously. 

But this one…

Martin looked around the backfield and saw that the members tried to pay attention to the people on the stage and even warned others who weren't paying attention. 

All in all, the good apples influenced the bad apples, forcing the few rotten apples to become good apples as well.