
When Ainsley heard her people's shouts, she flinched for a second before slowly stretching her stiff body. 

"Hwum….what's wlong?" Ainsley yawned, and her blue eyes teared up, looking a bit miserable and pitiful. 

However, when she yawned like that while stretching her limbs, she undoubtedly looked like a little kitten stretching her body after a comfortable nap. 

There's no way people would think that she was unconscious for several days instead of taking a quick nap. 

Jevon and the others looked quietly at Ainsley's calm actions, and they suddenly doubted whether they damaged their memories or not. 

The boss was in a coma, right? Her condition was critical, right? 

But how come she didn't look that way at all? If anything, she looked refreshed! 

Jevon, Elliana, and the others opened their mouths without speaking for a long time until Ainsley slowly rose from the simple bedding and walked toward the Godfather's 'empty' bed.