"The Children's Special Abilities"

Ainsley didn't know that this kind of ability existed. She quickly searched for information related to special hackers and found out that they're advanced versions of normal hackers. 

They're useless on a battlefield, but they're good to be at the rear, controlling the battle of information and technology. 

However, mafia society didn't rely on advanced technology or battle of information. 

Usually, they relied on military power. Thus, special hackers usually worked for non-mafia forces or the government! 

Ainsley's eyes darkened. She straightened her back and fixed her sitting position before looking at the IT team leader. 

"Got it. Thanks for the info. For now, monitor the hacker's movement. If they are about to steal the blueprint, you can destroy the blueprint data." 

It doesn't matter if you lose data. After all, they already printed the blueprint beforehand!