"Scaring Away A Spirit"

Since the middle-aged spirit wasn't that threatening, the young spirits discussed among themselves as they followed the spirit to the mansion. 

They decided on who should take the role of 'scaring away' this middle-aged spirit. 

After a brief discussion, the slightly older young man was chosen for this 'sacred' mission. 

The young man was just like your ordinary youth in his mid-twenties, but maybe because this is another world, his face is definitely more handsome than average youths. 

Or maybe because most ability users had certain kinds of beauty thanks to them awakening their first ability. 

Maybe that's why Ainsley also became super cute when she unknowingly obtained the charm ability? 

Could be! 

Her current appearance should be even more cute than when she first saw herself. 

The older young man nodded at his two friends and immediately flew fast to chase after the middle-aged spirit.