"Omniscient Keepers"

When Ainsley heard the mysterious organization was the one who further developed the virus, she instantly felt uncomfortable all over the body. 

From the Godfather's reaction, he should know about that organization too, which means the organization existed a long time ago. 

Maybe more than 100 years ago? Such an organization was still hidden to the public up to now…

They must be a formidable organization. 

[Godfather, do you know who those people are in that organization? And...what is that organization? They seem dangerous…] 

Aside from hunting the transmigrators' souls, they also developed such a dangerous virus...what is their goal? What things do they want? 

The Godfather fell silent at Ainsley's questions, not because he hadn't recovered all his memories about Ainsley, but about the organization itself. 

He subconsciously looked at Zev, and Zev shook his head. 

The Godfather could only sigh.