"Need More Time"

Once the 12-hour limit dawned on the group, Ainsley felt the walking elixir ability slowly vanishing from her body. 

It was coincidentally when she had just used the last bottle of the hair-growth potion, and her hair had grown long enough to cover her back, almost touching her waist. 

Knowing that there's no use in cutting her hair short to get the hair elixir, Ainsley actually let her hair become that long. 

She had always been a little unsatisfied with her bob-cut hair, thinking it was lame. Now that her hair became long, she was satisfied. 

Strangely, when her hair was short, she didn't realize that her hair was actually not that straight but a little wavy. When her hair became long, only then did she notice the difference. 

Still, when Ainsley looked at her new appearance on the hand mirror that she casually put inside her spatial storage, she couldn't help but nod in satisfaction.