"Blaze,The Little Lucky Phoenix"

The Godfather's luck level used to be at crystal, the highest level, but he dropped by two levels to platinum because he exhausted his luck to survive the ordeal months ago. 

His luck hasn't recovered yet…

But Ainsley wanted to see someone with a diamond luck level, ah! 

If it's lower, she had to sacrifice herself to boost this person's luck to crystal. 

She didn't want to cut her lifespan more than necessary or have any other side effects, okay? 

There must be a way to eliminate the side effects, but for now, she didn't have a clue. 

Alas, Ainsley's eyes were gloomy as she checked her people. Even Axelle's luck level was only platinum. 

She herself had worse luck compared to these people. 

Who else could have diamond level luck? 

Ainsley had checked everyone, including their pet monsters. 

She had also checked Cellino, but the baby forgot a certain blue 'chicken' who was hiding among Axelle's thick hair.