"Powerhouses' Gathering"

"Hum, hum. I'm going to depart now. See you at the capital, Jake." 

Ainsley talked a bit more with Jake before cutting off the call. Right after that, she departed for the capital with her people. 

Since the capital was where the government's influence was the strongest, Ainsley had to be careful about everything and anything. 

The force she brought with her wasn't a lot, only thirty people or so, but all of them were the best of the best. 

With that, the convoy arrived at the capital right when it was lunchtime. 

They didn't meet any trouble whatsoever as they settled in their hotel, but who would have known that Jevon, who was out to scout the situation, brought back shocking news. 

"I just saw the Aretha Family's convoy heading to another hotel. There's also a lot of people from the 7 Sacred families following the Aretha Family."