"Super Sky-high Price"

Ainsley stroked the tiny pearl-like stone as big as her pinky finger on the red pillow before scanning her gaze over the excited guests. 

"The base price is equal to a million dollars. The bidding shall start now." 

Even after Ainsley said that, the guests were still too shocked to react. 

Jake and others from the big guilds, even the head of the Walter Family, Evan Walter, were visibly shaken to the core. 

They looked at Ainsley with wide eyes and beating hearts. 

This child! How the heck did she find an Inheritance Stone?! 

Doesn't she know that this kind of stone has only existed in legends, and one won't even see such a stone for a decade? 

But now she suddenly auctioned such a precious stone! Is she an idiot? Why won't she use the stone for herself? 

The elders in her family have brilliant abilities. They can at least give the ability to her or other young generations through the Inheritance Stone!