"Born To Be A Mafia Boss"

Clearly...Ainsley could still enter the top 10 even without the Inheritance Stone. 

But she wanted to raise her family's connection and prestige among the Godlif Country's top powerhouses. 

But she's too hasty. Too arrogant. Too impatient! And she didn't know how to cover her traces when she moved to other places, allowing people to track down her recent schedule. 

And her carelessness leads to this trouble. 

Ainsley's head throbbed for a bit as she replied to Jake with a slightly hoarse voice. 

"How many people attack the island? And where are they now? When will they arrive at the island?" 

Ainsley forced herself to calm down since she had to protect her island. Of course, the Téssera Alliance would also fight with her. 

"My people noticed the anomaly today at dawn. I think they will only arrive at your island tomorrow since they use airplanes and jets, not flying-type monsters."