"800 vs 5000"

But that 5000 enemies wasn't the worst news yet. Jake continued to read the delayed report due to the island's signal and his face darkened even more. 

"The 5000 enemies are split into  10 troops. They're trying to surround the island and take over the island in one huge scoop." 

Jake didn't like this kind of tactic, especially when it was used to conquer such a huge land like Pandora Island. 

After all, if they were really besieged from all sides, even if they could win, the battle would damage a lot of areas on the island. 

Really...those people must have thought that if they couldn't have anything from Pandora Island, the Téssera Alliance also better not have anything. 

They're aiming for mutual destruction, huh? No, maybe they're trying to destroy the island if they couldn't rob it! 

Ainsley and the other bosses went silent. Their faces didn't look good at all as they calculated the number of temporary troops they had.