"A Hot Discussion Topic"

Seeing such a behaviour, Ainsley chuckled at the marshal and grinned, showing her pearly baby teeth. 

"Welcome to Pandora Island, marshal. Don't be so nervous and stiff. After all, we want to talk about a peace treaty that will benefit all of us." 

Ainsley spoke fluently despite having a childish voice unique to a toddler. 

She really looked like a child who tried so hard to look mature, only to look super adorable instead. 

The marshal coughed to suppress the urge to pinch Ainsley's cheek. At the same time, he quickly acted imposing and stiffly. 

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Miss Sloan. This old man doesn't have much time to spare, so...can you go straight to the point?" 

The marshal really couldn't leave his troops for too long. After all, the 10.000 people consisted of forces from all sorts of powerhouses. 

Ainsley also wanted to end the war and go back to the capital to attend the coronation.