"She Is Your Lost Little Sister"

New baby protagonist book is out! Read "I Always Become a Baby!" Noww!!



After ten minutes of photo sessions, Ainsley left her signature on the red carpet's backdrop before calmly entering the coronation venue. 

She finally left the photographers behind, but she didn't know that a group of family far away from the capital was currently watching her through the live broadcast. 

Two children with familiar purple hair watched Ainsley's appearance on the red carpet and couldn't help but gasp in admiration. 

"Dad, the clothes she's wearing are so pretty! I also want one!" Maurie, the five-year-old kid, tugged on Leroy's hand and looked at her dad with sparkling eyes. 

Even her twin brother, Maure, also silently tugged Renmaure's hand and then pointed at the TV. 

He's obviously eyeing the futuristic car. 

When both dads heard their children's words, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly.