"Gifts From The Three Non-human Guests"

As for Yeon himself….

Seducing beasts and alike was really easy, but even a genius like him, with one of the most lethal innate charms couldn't charm monsters. 

The only way to contract a monster was to be a monster tamer and they had to awaken their monster tamer ability for that. 

That's why monster tamer was rarer and more precious than beast tamers in some places. 

Of course, in the human continent, many people liked beast teamers more since they could help non-tamers to contract beasts. 

Yeon couldn't charm monsters and couldn't make the monsters willingly get into a contract with him or others around him 

But Ainsley can! And she's not a monster tamer! 

That alone immediately aroused Yeon's curiosity, and even the fox tribe was curious about the kid who could charm what they couldn't charm. 

Not to mention...her charm was apparently not the seductive and sexy type, but a pure, innocent kid type of charm!