"Eager To Make A Contract"

Unlike other families who only had one or two sacred beasts as their guardian, the Sloan Family, which used to be the number one family, had three guardians. 

The past family heads all received the three beasts' recognition, and the family always thrived. 

But later on, the family heads only contracted two beasts, and then one, and then...no one got the sacred beasts' recognition. 

Back then, when Cellino made contracts with other family heads, it wasn't a real contract because he was still unable to awaken his true bloodline to become a genuine sacred beast.

At most, he was only a decoration tagging behind his two siblings. 

And so, the family heads actually needed the two beasts' recognition and Cellino would always be the last choice. 

Now, Cellino was Ainsley's first choice, but Cellino also knew that if his siblings didn't accept Ainsley…

Maybe, Ainsley's prestige would be questioned.