"The Reason For The Sloan Family's Decline"

Ainsley was caught off guard. Obviously, they're talking about whether the twins could join the Sloan Family or not. 

But out of the blue, Leroy mentioned the sacred beasts! Ainsley's eyes seemed to burn as she looked at Leroy. 

"What do you mean? Since when can a mere heir have a chance to try to contract a sacred beast?" 

Only family heads could try to contract the sacred beasts. That's the rule in the Sloan Family. 

The Aretha Family might have more freedom in this aspect, and anyone could try as long as they're the Aretha Family's member. 

But the Sloan Family only allowed the family head to have the privilege. 

Maybe that's why the Sloan family deteriorated because only the family head could try to contact the sacred beasts. 

But what if the sacred beast wanted someone else in the Sloan Family? 

That certain someone didn't have a chance to contact the sacred beasts at all, instantly cutting off all the connections.