"Code-L's Birthday Gift For Ainsley"

Putting aside Code-L's cuteness, Code-L knew that Ainsley came to her because Bello had just told the kid about her wanting to give a birthday gift. 

But in fact, Code-L's birthday gift...was really unusual. 

Before Ainsley could guess what kind of gift Code-L would take out, the cat suddenly looked at the crouching kid and pointed at the floor with her right paw. 

"Lay down, hurry." 


The star of tonight's banquet, dressed in special clothes, had to lay down on the floor?! 

Ainsley was really confused, but seeing Code-L's serious face, she could only let go of Bello and slowly lay down. 

When the VIP guests saw Ainsley lying on the floor, they all had question marks above their heads. 

Even Grandpa Yofan and the others weren't an exception.

This...what is Ainsley doing? Is it a ritual to make a contract with the white sacred beast?