"Memory Inheritance"

Ainsley thought that the Godfather would give her a physical gift since he went out to find someone to help him with that. 

Indeed, the Godfather pointed at a box at the corner of the bedroom and said, 

[Take that box and give it to me.] 

Ainsley was puzzled, but she did what the Godfather told her to do. She went to take the normal-looking box and handed it to the Godfather. 

In that instant, the Godfather used up his energy to materialize! 

The Godfather could only materialize for a few minutes, and it used up a lot of his spiritual energy. 

But he still did it. 

Standing in front of Ainsley was the Godfather with a solid body, holding the palm-sized Box and slowly opening the lid. 

Ainsley's eyes widened as she watched the solid Godfather right in front of her eyes. 

The Godfather materialized! For the second time! 
