"The Gossip About Deestar & Ainsley"

[I don't doubt the rumors' authenticity anymore. This is real. Deestar is Ainsley Sloan's father! Fck!] 

[Okay, everyone, let's focus on a certain weird thing. I searched up, and Ainsley is only four years old this year while the twins are about to be six this year.] 


[Fck. Use your brain! It means that the twins are born earlier than Ainsley by a whole two years!] 

[I also know that, okay? What's wrong with that, though? Speak clearly!] 

One of the netizens was so fed up by the others' innocent thoughts and immediately created a long paragraph of detailed analysis. 

[Listen here. Deestar already had two children years ago, when he was still a mafia boss. Then, why would he have another child after that? And it took him two years!] 

Another netizen quickly helped the clever netizen.