"Poison Tester Machine"

Ainsley immediately whistled and called her shadow guards to appear in front of her.

August, the leader of Ainsley's shadow guards, popped out in front of Ainsley in mere seconds and immediately kneeled on one knee. 

"Your order, master?" 

August's voice was flat and had no emotion at all, but even Ainsley could see that he was a bit in panic. 

Yes. Someone might play tricks on his master, and he didn't even realize! 

As a shadow guard, he's useless!

Ainsley didn't blame August at all because even Bello and Cellino didn't know what was going on. 

But Code-L and the Godfather, the strongest among them, noticed something amiss. 

Ainsley was afraid she would be poisoned or something, so she immediately asked August to help her. 

"Send some of your people to find Code-L. Then, the others go back to Jake's mansion with me. Bring me tools to check for poison and such."