"The Ability Is Gone" 

Ainsley was still in a daze, but Jake and the others didn't realise it just yet. 

They looked at Ainsley's data scanning results and suddenly sighed in relief. 

"Thank God. Ain is not poisoned. She's completely healthy." 

Yes, yes. There are only a few traumas in her body because of various abilities' after-effect." 

"Then, according to your story, why did Code-L and the Godfather go out to chase someone?" 

Jake patted the back of Ainsley's head as he asked Nalisha, August and the two sacred beasts. 

Because Ainsley's face was buried in Jake's nape, no one saw the baby's dazed and unfocused look. 

Nalisha, August and the two cats looked at each other before Nalisha opened her mouth. 

"The guild founder said that the Godfather and Code-L are chasing someone who did something to our guild founder..." 

As for what the person did...no one knew. 

After all, Ainsley wasn't poisoned. Her body was also normal.