"Finding Their Target" 

Everyone knew Ainsley's relationship with these two forces, and if the customers bought potions at these two places...

That's the same as delivering themselves to the jaw of the tigers. 

While Jake was investigating the potion stores, the Godfather and Code-L waited for so long, yet no one appeared. 

It was already nighttime when Vanessa received a phone call. 

The caller was straightforward and immediately told her the change in plan. 

"Let's meet up on the last day of this preparation week before the monster and beast tide starts. Change the meeting location too." 

The caller then hung up the call and sent a message to Vanessa. 

[Meeting location: Dandelion Corporate building. The headquarters.] 

Dandelion Corporate was the Billios Family's rival in the business world. 

Almost half of the Billios Family's regular businesses clashed with Dandelion Corporate.