"Swapping Place"

The Godfather's sixth sense came from sensing danger just as he finished the wild monsters and beasts sent to the city wall. 

And indeed, a thumb-sized snowflake butterfly had just landed on Ainsley's head, and before the two people could react, the scenery around them suddenly changed. 

Ainsley could feel the space being distorted, and she suddenly appeared in the middle of a beast and monster tide. 

The baby's body instantly felt uncomfortable because of the forced teleportation, and her head went dizzy. 

Her stomach was churning, and she might puke anytime. 

But the one controlling her body now was the veteran Godfather, who had faced so many strange things before. 

Just being forcefully teleported...it was not a big deal. 

The big deal was that.... they were in the middle of a raging monster and beast tide! 

The Godfather's reflex was good, and even when his brain hadn't reacted...