"Rescuing Thomas"

Ainsley quickly talked to the two sacred beasts while the Godfather used the baby's body to join the Bronto Monster. 

They're fighting against the purple ape with silver armor and the armored giraffe. 

[Bello, Cellino, I need your help! Please fight the giant mammoth and the frozen butterfly for me. After I finish my battle, I will immediately join the two of you.] 

Bello and Cellino immediately obeyed. 

[Roger, nyaaa~ ] 

[Okay, master!] 

Since Ainsley didn't ask them to help her, it means she's not at a disadvantage and would surely win sooner or later. 

Thus, the two sacred beasts who had transformed into their beast form immediately rushed to the giant mammoth and the frozen butterfly. 

While rushing there, Bello took the chance to talk to Cellino. 

[My dear brother, your ability won't be too useful against the giant mammoth. How about you fight the frozen butterfly instead?]