"Bird Lovers" 

[Shock! Five celestials are provoking a baby mafia boss in Gasha Country's Capital!] 

The live broadcast room was a global website that every person in this world could visit. 

The platform was also one of the biggest broadcast platforms with close to a billion users. 

There could be users from the Godlif country, the Gasha Country, and even non-human races could also make an account to be a viewer or an anchor here. 

Ainsley's new broadcast title was extremely eye-catching and provoking, especially when the thumbnail was a picture of five celestials with their wings fully spread. 

Such a sight was rare for people other than the Gasha Country's people, who rarely saw the celestial race. 

Thus, in just a few minutes, the number of viewers soared to more than a thousand people! 

And this number was still climbing fast, approaching 10,000 viewers.