"Studying Ainsley's Abilities"

[Other than that, we don't know anything, right? As for the evolved ability...no one knows what it is.] 

[Anyway, I'm so jealous of the anchor. She can be so close to the two handsome and beautiful celestials even when they see her as the blood clan's cub!] 

[All hail Ainsley's charm! It can end the grudge between the two races!] 

[I think the blood clan should be eager to kidnap Ainsley to make peace with the celestials...] 

[The fox tribes from the beastmen race will also want to learn such a good charm, okay?] 

[Yes, yes.] 

The audience were joking with each other, not knowing that their words might come true in the future...

After warning Ainsley to pay attention when fighting Charles, the two celestials sat not far from the baby and her group. 

They all patiently waited until the match started. 

At the same time, Charles' Winged Guild members also came to the arena backstage for fighters.