"Charm Ability Users In Gasha Country"

Ainsley even contacted her old friend, Zenan, to help her build a new overseas guild app for the Gasha Guild branch. 

This way, the Gasha Guild branch had their internal app but also had the overseas app to connect with members from the Godlif Country. 

Of course, Ainsley rewarded Zenan handsomely for his good service. 

Everything was ready, and Ainsley only lacked guild members who wanted to join her Irregular Tamer Guild in Gasha Country. 

However, speaking of potential guild members...Ainsley got reminded of something unpleasant. 

It's about the lack of potential members from ordinary backgrounds. 

"Right, Aaron. About the other charm ability users...from the data I got, there are more charm ability users in Gasha Country than in Godlif Country. Is that true?" 

Ainsley easily found the data on the internet and was shocked when she saw this.