"Mom and Dad Fans"

Sitting inside the glass box at the highest seat among the audience's seats, the MC wore a nice suit with a tie.

Then, on his left and right side were two charming women. Apparently, they were famous battle commentators. 

The arena's God view's camera already started to record the whole scene and the lighting also started to change. 

The whole area, which was brightly lit a few seconds ago, suddenly plunged into deep darkness with no source of light except for the glass box. 

Following the total darkness, Battle Arena C's special BGM suddenly sounded, mixed with the MC's excited voice. 

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!" The MC shouted on top of his lungs and the audience also yelled at the MC. 

"Good afternoon!" 

Their shouts almost drowned the entire arena, instantly shocking the three geniuses who never faced such a situation. 

Damn. The cheers and such are really too frightening!