"Playing With Swords" 

Such a masterpiece needs to have a name, right? 

Some people in the audience's seats had already started to give a nickname or a title to this twelve-sword skill. 

They either called it Arthur's swords, the Judgment Day or Blood Swords. 

Surprisingly, the Godfather simply named the skill as twelve dancing swords, so similar to a Barbie Movie title in Ainsley's previous world. 

Ignoring Ainsley's shocked face after he told her the name of the skill, the Godfather moved Ainsley's wrist and skillfully took out two pieces of matcha Pocky from the spatial storage. 

It had been quite a long time since the Godfather last possessed Ainsley and smoked the matcha Pocky. 

But when the Godfather did this, it meant things were going down real quick...

The Godfather sucked the Matcha Pocky in his mouth as he twisted his small fingers, slowly controlling the twelve dancing swords in the air.