"Spirit Tamer"

Even if the baby couldn't contract another spirit just yet, just following her around would be good too, right? 

The bull spirit didn't know that the five 'stock spirits' that Ainsley put inside her bracelet also had the same thoughts as the bull spirit. 

They got to live in a warm space full of monsters and beasts with cold places for spirits like them. 

The spiritual energy inside the bracelet was also enough for them to live a leisure life....

And the little shaman who 'captured' them rarely asked them to work and just left them to rest inside the bracelet. 

If they wanted to go out to play, the baby also generously let them go and trusted them that they would definitely return. 

Is this the legendary sugar daddy– wait. Sugar momma?! They want! 

Thus, the bull spirit immediately asked Ainsley since knowing that the baby could definitely hear his voice.