"A Peace Talk"

The spirits fought and the place became chaotic. 

Only a small part of the enemy side didn't join the battle and tried to find Ainsley for a peace talk. 

If Ainsley came with her own spirits and didn't include the old spirits in her army, they wouldn't even consider a peace talk. 

But the more sensible spirits, especially the middle-aged ones, didn't want the younger generation to fight the older generation and suffered for nothing. 

Why should they fight because of a shaman? In the end, it would only be the spirits who suffered, not the shaman herself. 

The young woman, the leader of the forty spirits, was a part of the peace talk side. 

She was indeed younger than others around her, but the time when she became a spirit exceeded the middle-aged ones. 

Because of this, she's really an experienced spirit and had faced countless shamans who wanted to bring her home to be their contracted spirit.