"Killing The Rest of The Murderers" 

Looking at the four murderers, the young man couldn't help but sneer. 

His eyes were full of malice and hatred, just like a cold cobra eyeing its prey— extremely sticky and grim. 

[This lord hasn't been fighting for so long but this lord will tell you four brats why this lord was called the God of War.] 

Once the Godfather's icy and gloomy voice fell, the four tigers immediately pounced on the four spirits within seconds. 

When they dashed forward, purple lightning swept by their feet, and their whole body looked blurry as if they were only after images. 

But how could people see the speed of lightning with naked eyes? 

The four spirits just blinked, and the four tigers had already bypassed all their defensive abilities and directly targeted their necks.

The lightning tigers' sharp fangs easily stabbed the four spirits' necks, and the moment the fangs pierced into the spiritual body....