"Blatantly Offending The Billios Family"

The young man's tone of voice when praising Ainsley sounded as if the baby was his own baby, his granddaughter. 

The woman also laughed, and her eyes were full of pride. 

"I didn't expect this kid's charm attribute to be so strong. She already bewitched a lot of people at such a young age. She's a promising blood clan member!"

The young man immediately showed a look of disapproval. 

"It's not bewitching. That word is too vulgar. The kid is simply charming and cute. People can't help but want to get close." 

The young man sighed but he seemed to recall something and his face suddenly darkened. 

"We still have to be careful with pedophiles who love children, though. Ain is so cute. There must be a lot of people with bad minds targeting her." 

Although the young man had never seen a pedophile around Ainsley, he just knew her a few days ago, after all.