"Let's Charm The Plants & Flowers"

This wasn't the end. 

The third step, these people got rid of the beasts around Ainsley, so the baby didn't have any helpers. 

They also used poison blatantly to warn Ainsley, who didn't want to kill her beasts recklessly. 

Then, they brought a neutralizer! 

They might be aware of Ainsley's realism art ability and didn't want any unforeseen circumstances. 

They directly got a neutralizer to make Ainsley powerless. 

That's the last blow! 

The baby was now completely anxious. 

[I think this must be those people from the organization...] 

Ainsley's face was dark, and she suddenly regretted not bringing her three sacred beasts with her. 

Even if she summoned them now, it would be too late, and who knew if they still had effective poison on sacred beasts? 

The hunters were well-prepared and even used this challenge to trap her. 

Cunning! Annoying!