"Going To The Blood Clan's Hidden Kingdom"

Ain really had to clean up the forces who dared to attack them now. 

At least gave them a stern warning. 

If not, things would repeat, and Ainsley's situation wouldn't be good. 

Well, for now...what Jake could do was to contact the fellow transmigrator protector forces and tell them about the Transmigrator Hunter's violation of their secret agreement. 

That organization had never violated the rule so blatantly and even in front of a camera. 

But this showed that they valued Ainsley so much that her value might be on par with the Godfather back then. 

And this baby hadn't grown up yet while the Godfather was already a young man back then. 

While Jake was contacting the other organizations and forces to warn the Transmigrator Hunters, Ainsley had finally arrived at the Blood Clan's Kingdom. 

When she was teleported by the two elders, Ainsley's brain slowly cleared up and the baby realized her true state right away.