"Greeting The Blood Clan's Two Elders"

[Stop, stop! Don't hug again! I also need a hug, ah! I almost committed a crime to save you and you actually treat me like this...] 

Zev cried tears and snot as he accused Ainsley. 

He also looked back at the Godfather and glared at him with his chubby cheeks pouted angrily. 

Well, it's cute, though. 

The Godfather looked at the angry little puffer fish and suddenly felt a bit guilty for his little boyfriend. 

He spent the majority of his time with Ainsley, and Zev was usually reduced to a background board. 

Even his limelight was almost non-existent, and if the author didn't mention him repeatedly, the readers would probably forget he existed. 

Zev pouted his butt towards the Godfather, directly ignoring him. 

Then, he started to act all spoiled with Ainsley, relying on Ainsley's sympathy for him. 

Thus, it was finally the Godfather's turn to be jealous.