"The Celestials' Worry"

While Ainsley was practicing the way to control blood and fully awakened her blood clan's bloodline in her spirit state, the celestials were holding an emergency meeting. 

Sitting on the throne made of gold and soft clouds, an old woman with three pairs of white wings lightly cast her gaze on the people sitting around the oval cloud table. 

The seats around the table were also made of clouds, and there was a bit of silver mixed in, but the seat was still soft and comfortable because the base material was their kingdom's special cloud. 

The old woman tapped her slender fingers to the table, and those around her couldn't help but hold their breath. 

The queen looked annoyed...

Whenever she does this kind of gesture, it means that she's irritated and anxious. 

How could the queen not be anxious? 

The previous queens and kings never saw the blood clan's member appearing somewhere in this world, but she was unlucky to experience this.