"Blood-related Daughter"  

Joan was indeed surprised to know that Ainsley was a part of their clan and that meant she could be revived. 

However, after Caroline explained the ins and outs of their problem, the old woman couldn't help but worry once more. 

"I have to tell this kid about her people's condition. Else, she will keep worrying." 

Joan was glad that she saved the news and videos of Ainsley's various forces after her death before she came to this kingdom. 

With this, she could at least calm down the little girl, right? 

The two elders sighed in relief at Joan's words, and they finally arrived at Ainsley's place after walking for fifteen minutes straight. 

When Joan arrived not far from Ainsley's place, the old woman immediately saw two spirits— one big and one small. 

Both of them retained their hair and eye color to some extent, which meant that they were all high-level spirits.