"The King Arrives At The Transition Island"

Aleron grinned, and he acted as if he was never the king of this race, unlike other former kings and queens who were still looking dignified. 

Sometimes, when Atherton needed advice in governing the race, he would ask his predecessors, but he would definitely not ask his playful father. 

His father was as unreliable as Wilhelm, ah! 

Atherton only nodded coldly at his father and started to pay attention to the other royal family members he managed to summon. 

"As you can see, this king indeed invites all of you here to join the last struggle with the celestials." 

The King paused before curling the corner of his lips, forming a sly smile. 

"The celestials are getting weaker nowadays, and it's absolutely the best time to hit them up!" 

The blood clan had been trying to fight the celestials to death, but because the celestials had too many people, they couldn't really give them a big blow.