"Zenith In Action"

The queen carefully looked at the reports related to the crimson barrier and then linked this information to Jake, the one under Zenith's control. 

It was said that the crimson barrier was essentially made of blood, so if there was someone with a strong blood manipulation ability, they could manipulate the barrier too. 

No matter what, Jake was still a descendant of the blood clan, so...

What if he could do that?

They might have to overexert the young man's body, soul and energy core, but so what? They didn't intend to keep that human's life intact at all. 

He's just a puppet chosen to backstab the blood clan. 

Thinking like this, the queen immediately contacted Zenith and added another urgent mission aside from the first assassination mission. 

[See if your puppet can use blood manipulation ability. If he can, I don't care what you do. Just control your puppet to break the blood barrier!]