"Bring Jake and Ainsley To The King"

Joan was really worried about the spirits who had been with her for half of her whole life up to now. For her, the husband and wife pair had long become a part of her family. 

They were as important as her daughter, her grandson and her granddaughter! 

But when Joan looked at the bloody Jake with a pool of blood under his body, she swallowed her worries about her spirits and paid more attention to her grandson. 

Anyway, Jake was in a more critical danger. Her spirits could still wait. As long as they weren't in danger! 

At the same time, Ainsley, who found Jake in that pool of blood, almost fainted on the spot. 

If not for her strong will to confirm whether Jake was safe or not, she would really have lost consciousness in that place. 

"Dad!" Ainsley shouted out as she landed straight next to Jake's body. 

She didn't care whether her shoes were soaked in Jake's blood and hurriedly checked Jake's vital signs.