"Sword of Justice"

Slowly but surely, the surrounding air felt warmer than before and the dark night had a hint of light, as if the sun was about to rise from the horizon. 

The light gathering at the tip of the queen's fingers started to speed up. 

Within just a few seconds, the light became super long, vaguely creating a certain weapon with the blade facing down, and the handle facing the sky. 

The surrounding celestials and the blood clan members could feel shock waves after waves spreading from the group of holy light that slowly formed a gigantic slender, light sword. 

The sword was similar to the legendary Excalibur in stories, but this one was entirely made of white and golden holy light, looking rather ethereal and illusory. 

If not for the sword being real and the heat emitted from the sword even reaching out to the blood clan warriors behind the barrier, people would wonder whether the sword light was real or just a holographic effect.