"The Blood Clan's Future Little Ambassador"

The elders and the royal families from the blood clan started to examine Ainsley from head to toe, as if seeing a dinosaur. 

"Hey, hey, so this is the cute little cub that has just awakened her bloodline! So young, yet so talented." 

"Good, good. This is a promising seedling. I heard that she's also famous among humans?" 

"Yeah. The place we choose to create our country isn't far from the Godlif Country in the Human Continent's free territory." 

The Human Continent also had free territories that no human countries claimed because those places were once where the demons lived or where the demons wreaked havoc. 

The affected place had heavy miasma, which was unsuitable for humans to live in, and only a dark creature like the blood clan would like this territory that wasn't small but wasn't large either. 

It was just right for their pitiful population!