"The Seed of Doubt" 

When Code-L and the other three creatures saw the group of Valkyries, they naturally felt that the number of troops on their side was too little. 

Even if they were all strong, the Valkyries were way stronger than the war machine celestials. 

When the difference in number was too big, even Code-L wasn't so confident that she could defeat all these people without paying a certain price. 

Ah. But who is she? 

A sacred beast which was about to be a legendary beast, and she also had one of the most unique abilities in this world. 

If she would still lose in front of the Valkyries, then she didn't deserve to be the legendary white tiger in the ancient legend at all. 

Before the confrontation between the two sides started, Code-L closed her eyes and murmured something in her heart. 

Then, an invisible white light shot out of Code-L's chest, bursting straight towards the surroundings.