"Taking Out The Real Hell Fire" 

It was indeed just the gap between the door and the floor or something that cockroaches and ants could pass through, but this one was said to be 'so small that paper couldn't pass through'. 

Then, how big is Hell and how big the door would be for such a crack that seemed to be able to pour out lava to be unable to squeeze out small creatures? 

The sky darkened and the lightning flashed fiercely, as if to imitate the weather in Hell and Abyss. 

Even if rain started to fall here, maybe what fell down wouldn't be water but corrosive liquid or even worse, lava. 

But Code-L ignored this 'special effect' despite everyone's horrified gazes. 

Those who thought that the crack must not be a crack of Hell started to believe that this must be the crack of Hell. 

Even Cerberus, who had privileges to visit Hell, was almost fooled.